There is no need to do anything to the content files other than place them in the correct folders. Sub-folders are not recognized, except in the Downloads folder used for objects. It is best to set Windows so that file extensions are always shown.
When installing content for The Sims, file icons and listed file types should not be considered reliable, as many of the extensions The Sims uses for custom content are also used by other programs, and those extensions may be associated with those programs. The file paths given below assume a default PC installation to C:\Program Files. Macs may or may not have a Program Files folder.
Regardless of install location, and regardless of whether the game is on a PC or Mac, the part of the file path after 'The Sims' will be the same. Some objects, such as default replacements, may have specific install instructions.They may also be placed in:Ĭ:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\GameData\UserObjects They are normally placed in:Ĭ:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\Downloads, and may be placed in sub-folders. Files which modify aspects of game behavior also use the. iff extension, and may have specific install instructions. Skins, for both Sims and pets, have the extensions. The textures are BMP files, and have the extension.